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Also known as hemorrhoids, piles are swollen blood vessels in the rectal area due to extreme pressure being put to it. They are also itchy, painful and with a stinging sensation. There are two types of piles or hemorrhoids- internal and external. Internal piles are not noticeable due to the fact that they remain inside the rectum. They also have lesser symptoms. You'll only become aware of them once they begin to bleed. External piles, on the other hand, are very much visible and felt. They are like hard lumps around the anus which are swollen, inflamed and itchy. They can also be ruptured, causing them to bleed. Bleeding is a serious problem and urgently needs medical attention since it can also be an indication of a more serious medical condition.

Stone cairns are compact mounds of stone built by carefully placing one stone at a time. Each cairn was made for a specific purpose like a boundary marker or Native American ritual cairn. In contrast, stone piles are loose piles of stone created as the result of being dumped from a wagon. They generally exhibit stones scattered around their edges. These piles are a byproduct of field clearing or stone wall building activities.

A good brandy or Cognac is another beneficial alcohol to drink. It is made from the left over grapes skins, after removing the juice in wine making. These left over grape skins are then collected and fermented in barrels for a number of years. Cognac is a very clean and a very healthy alcoholic beverage. But once again, only drink quality Cognac as the cheap stuff could probably compared to paint thinner. Cognac can only be called Cognac if it is made in the province of Cognac, France. If it is made any where outside of this region, it is called Brandy.

Clearing rocks from a field is a very labor intensive process. Farmers only cleared fields they intended plow or cut for hay. Fields for pasturing livestock were generally not cleared of stone. The rocks being cleared were thrown in a wagon or onto a heavy duty sled and transported to the edge of the field or to a non farmable spot in the middle of the field and unceremoniously dumped. Loose piles of rock with stone scattered around the edges found along the edges of old farm fields are almost always field clearing stone piles.

Most of New England with the exception of rocky, sandy, and swamp land was farmed at one point or another in the past 400 years. So it is not uncommon to find a Native American cairn site on old farm land. If the cairns were not in their way most farmers left them untouched out of superstition, curiosity, or even respect. In many cases it was simply easier to graze the cows among the cairns then to remove them. A few of these cairn sites on farms were built during the 1700 and 1800's. These farms were owned by Native Americans who quietly continued to practice their tradition beliefs out of sight of their Christian neighbors.

When your piles start bleeding, it is a sure sign that you need treatment for it. If you continue foregoing this treatment despite the continued presence of blood in your stool, you may end up developing anemia as a side effect. Anemia is an ailment on a different level of seriousness altogether.

The problem with hemorrhoids, however, is that rather than talk about it, people tend to ignore it and keep it to themselves. They are embarrassed to seek professional bleeding piles treatment for it because even now, the topic of the piles is considered to be a taboo, not fit for polite conversation.

Another cure for piles is called bipolar coagulation. This is a painless treatment and what happens is that it coagulates mucous found in the affected area through electrotherapy. If this does not work, your other option is Hemorrhoidal Arterial Ligation on HAL. This is a popular cure for piles. How this is done is through a needle and a thread. The ultimate result is to tie the hemorrhoid that swelled and check here lessen the pain.

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